Alaska the Bully

Saturday, May 14, 2011 Posted by revalbertkang

Written with my very own paws - Mercy the Dog Blogger

The new monster by the name of Alaska thinks that she is the queen of the house. I have been tolerating her for a very long time. If it wasn't for my parents, I would have eaten her for lunch.

Mommy Grace is always the one who seems to notice such aggression by this little feline. She tells Daddy but the kind old man just smiles. 

Don't mess with me!
For example, yours truly was taking a half-nap, dreaming of that big bone that Daddy gave to Danny. I was smiling in my dream because I had robbed Danny of his bone and buried it in the a pile of towels. Now the bone was safely in my possession, I was able to sleep contentedly and... suddenly, there a tiny sharp pain on my left ear. Woof! Who attacked me? 

Alaska shows her prowess by taking on two of us
To my horror, another sharp pain joined the first and that caused me to jump back. Even with half-closed eyes, I was able to see this furry critter throwing a couple of left hooks. Too small to be Tabby Boy and too white to be Jelicle. It must be Alaska. When both my eyes were wide opened, there it was this fat sloppy monster of a creature, coming at me with more left hooks. 

Many scenarios raced through my mind - I could have bitten off her paw; I could have even bitten off her head; I could have eaten her alive and... happily, I stopped my fantasy trip.

Since nobody saw what happened, I rose to my fullest height, with undisturbed dignity and just walked away. Being the real Queen of the House, I was never troubled and will never be troubled by such stupidity. Anyway, a few small scratches with that tiny paw was just great to take away a couple of itch on my ear. Woof! Woof!


  1. Anonymous said...

    Alaska Bully looks Nice i like it and i want to buy it..
    Thanks for post.
    Pet Sitter Los Angeles

  2. Mercy the Dog Blogger said...

    Thanks for the nice comment. However, my feline sister is not for sales. You don't want her because she scratches. Her favorite game is to play with our tails... then bite them. Woof! Woof!
    Appreciate you for visiting my blog.
    Mercy the Dog Blogger

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